Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What'sthe matter with Indian Education???

For all those who totally love the CBSE, and those who actually have spent their time, rather wasted their time learning, let's say, mugging up from the books that CBSE provides, please, for your own safety, turn away and/or close this screen NOW...

Back to the point why I'm actually writing this- Well, first of all, I totally hate the Indian, or CBSE system of education- who define education as 'the gaining of impractical abilities to gorge whole textbooks and chew them up and spit them out/ reproduce them as and when exams come up'.....

Well, if that is disgusting, for those who are relatively relaxing in the Western world, we practically go through fourteen years of this stuff... Well, although I do score well, I still find certain stuff geeky and weird- like Alan says- ' those weird people whose heads are shining with those carton loads of coconut oil, who adorn ( and pretty much adore) inches thick glasses, and sit down and mug up the whole stuff'... That's what we have to do!!! Basically, In the CBSE way of doing stuff, even if you score a wonderful 98%, there's always this hundreds who get 98.1, and loads who get 98.11 and that's how it goes...!

Exams, for the CBSE, are more like a time for studystudystudystudy........ well, even if you don't want to, there's always this nextdoorweirdgeekyneighbourystuff guy, who pops up from nowhere, asks your mom, or you, in the local grocery store, whether your studies are going well, and to add to the fire, she asks how many hours in a day do you study??? And when i reply with a nice 1/2 an hour, she opens wide her mouth as though to say that her son gorges on books for 14 hours, which he does... And then she's like, that's too less, OMG thats less- who gives a damn??? My foot does!


Akshay Bharadwaj said...


Anonymous said...

Gud one... would love to see more! ;)

Nacho said...

So true, Education shouldnt be limited to knowledge..
I dont think cbse helps in discovering our talents or building character..
Sure it roughs us up for difficulties in life but I always dreamt of having a happier, adventurous life, where as my whole life revolves around my books, I try being a rebel but sometimes conditions follow

Unknown said...

well..too true..try the same type of school in India..and it would be the worst experience..and besides..oily hair and glasses??Excuse me..I know people like that who are stupid...atleast i know one person who's intelligent but not a nerd..by the way..what do u guys call yourself??No offense I loved it..waiting for more..